Mechanical breakdown warranty

Our near-40 years’ experience and keen focus on service quality means that our customers trust us to be part of their long-term development plans.

Adaptable solutions
to enhance our value proposal

Product design & renewal capabilities

We provide warranties for any type of vehicle, new or used (electric, car, motorcycle, campervan, motor home). Our warranty policies can cover some or all of mechanical, electrical, and electronic incidents. With our experience and our extensive data base, we can price any level of coverage on any type, any brand, any model. The schemes are highly flexible as they can be offered at any time in the vehicle lifecycle, from purchase to resale, as well as during workshop lay-ups or at the end of the customer contract with renewal. Customers can also include a roadside assistance service. No matter whether these programmes are intended for car makers, independent or captive financial institutions, distribution networks, or brokers, our end customers can choose a standard or a bespoke offering.

Marketing and sale

Our used car dealers also benefit from the closeness and responsiveness of a large field force.

We have set up the group in a way that brings maximum value to our customers. As just one example, because we operate both Opteven Assurances and Opteven Services, you can choose whether we act as an insurer or a Third-Party Administrator for distribution and claim management.

Vehicles for which we provide warranties
Electric vehicle

Case Study -

CASE STUDY : A success story

At the end of 2013, an OEM customer asked us to extend our warranty management business from one country to eight. The objective was to cover a pan-European label, with the same customer promise everywhere for the warranty of used vehicles. Since then, we have operated across eight countries in Europe for the same manufacturer. This brings management consistency between countries and, crucially, centralised reporting and simpler follow-up of warranty activities.

Today, we sell around 170,000 policies every year. Following the strong success of this project to date, we are working on plans to expand the platform into even more countries.

Our key facts and figures:
distributor partners
of online cases are processed in less than 15 minutes
contracts distributed in Europe
incidents managed

Quality and

Warranty and maintenance, a rapid, co-ordinated response

Our technical platforms lies at the core of the mechanical breakdown warranty activity and also the operational management of warranties and maintenance contracts. It is built to be nimble, responsive, and efficient.

It is organised around five centres, one each in France, Germany, Italy and two in the UK. We pay attention to other cultures and languages and prioritise local expertise.

The platform makes things fast and easy for customers, and we have given our workshops the control they need for quick decisions. Everything is controlled in Carflex, our multilingual online management tool.

An instant, automatic, online response is given for the commonest claims, supporting our goal of excellence. Carflex also provides management information to help our partners closely manage their service contracts.

Why choose us
as your go-between?

Maximising the value provided to our clients

  • In the design of products: everything is thought out for your bespoke needs according to the data we have gathered
  • In the sale and marketing of products: you benefit from the closeness and responsiveness of our sales forces
  • In contract management: a contract renewal offering for existing warranties nearing expiry in France or the United Kingdom
  • In incident management: quick, efficient management of case files thanks to our multilingual platform and our instant automatic decisions
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